Saturday, September 6, 2014

The ROM Race Is On!

We are slowly inching our way closer to earning our first ROM (Region of Merit) in the Pinto Association! Yay! This is a national program with a lot of competition, so I feel pretty good about earning it. Ox and I are planning to attend two more endurance rides this year, and if Paula decides to hold a few more OCAP approved shows before the year is over..... we may make it!!!!! Woot! It would be totally awesome to win our first ROM in a year! Yahoo!!!

PtHA Open ROM Standings 08/22/14
Registered Name      Points        CL TY SX PT
OCTOPELLE             21              Ho HU Ge So

PtHA Open ROM Standings 08/22/14
Registered Name                   Points     CL TY SX PT
HEZA MIRACLE ZIP                  43          Ho ST Ge So
DYNAMIC BLUE CRUISER         29          Ho ST Ge So
LILLYS LUCKY ZIP                   17          Ho ST Ma Ov
RDK SASS E IMPRESSION          11          Ho ST Ma Ov
LUCKYS APPACHE SKY             10          Ho HU Ge To
DELUX IMAGE OF ZIP               6            Ho ST Ma Ov
KR GREATEST SHINE                3            Ho ST Ge Ov
OCTOPELLE                            1            Ho HU Ge So
SHEZA SLOW LOPIN CHIC        1            Ho ST Ma So

Afterwards, we will start working our way towards a performance ROE (Region of Excellence) award. The future is looking bright! Bazinga!