The rest of the lambies are here for the year. Wahoo!! We had a good crop of purebred soay lambs produced this year. All of the ewes did very well. We only had one ewe (Electra) that didn't lamb, but that wasn't her fault. I purchased her late in the year and she didn't spend enough time in with the ram. We'll give her another try next year.
Brooke with her little ewe lamb.

Opal with her little ewe lamb. She has a really cute little fuzzy patch on top of her head!

Glitter with her little ewe lamb.

Luna with twin ram lambs.

Antares with her dark little ewe lamb. She has a nice big star on her forehead. Antares twinned, but didn't want her little ram lamb - so I'm bottle feeding him. He is a regular lighter colored mouflon with a small star on his head.

Cupid with her twins. The lighter one closest to her is a ram lamb, and the darker one is a ewe lamb.

Phoebe with her ram lamb.