Craig and I had a great time Saturday at the Akhal Teke Association of America conference. It was held at the Comfort Inn and Suites in Bothell, Wa. just outside of Seattle. On Friday night there was a meet and greet at the hotel and on Saturday there was a general membership meeting in the morning. We got there just in time on Saturday to sit in on the meeting, and then go with everyone on a farm tour of Cascade Gold Akhal Tekes in Snohomish - just a short drive up the road from the hotel. On Sunday everybody boarded the ferry at Anacordes to go up to the San Juan islands to visit Sweetwater Farm Akhal Tekes, but Craig and I had to head back home on Saturday night - so we missed out on Sunday's activities.

Part of the group on the farm tour Saturday. Cathy Leddy (farm owner in the foot cart, she recently had surgery on her ankle), Jas Shearer-McMahon in the black jacket and grey pants, Gary Tipps holding the coffee cup, Erin Wandler in the blue sweater, Betsy Wandler in green shirt, the fellow with the cowboy hat is Catrina Mettam's other half (sorry, I never did get his name....), and if you look very closely you can just barely see Eloise King in her white hat hiding behind Cathy's arm.
Eloise was a real hoot! I loved meeting that spunky lady. There's a nice video of her on youtube riding her stallion Pegas sidesaddle. (Yes, he's a stallion! When I was talking to her, I thought that she owned a gelding - but was rather surprised to find out that he's a stallion. Most people her age don't want anything to do with a stud horse, but Eloise isn't just anybody. If you ever meet her, you'll know what I'm talking about....)
Astra and little Sparky. He will be heading to a new home in Florida soon.
Tommy's mother Annastasia. He's a carbon copy of her, just inherited his father's lighter bay color.
A duo of volunteers. Craig (my husband) carrying the pink flowers, and Larry (Cathy's husband) carrying the red flowers to decorate the pasture jumps.
The youngsters. Scooter (Miras) up front, and Reggie (Sazanda) near the fence, made a new friend. Scooter is currently for sale and is looking for a new home.
Jack Saare petting Mahri, one of the fillies for sale at CGAT.
Asalari, Tommy's little sister. She's currently for sale as well. (If I only had more room and more money, I wouldn't mind adding her to our herd....)
Astrachan, still looking good at 22 years young. Tommy's sire.
Jas Shearer-McMahon and Khan (Astrachan). Yes, this is the stallion that was the model for the infamous resin Akhal Teke "Khan" that Sarah Rose sculpted. He was at Jas' place in Colorado for a few years being a breeding and competition stallion, and Sarah sculpted him after visiting Magic Valley Akhal Tekes. For a full article, visit her site: . Khan's a grand old gentleman, and a pleasure to visit.
I managed to snap a quick picture of the awards that I hurriedly finished up just before we left early on Saturday morning for the conference. (Our living room floor wasn't quite as grand of a display area as the banquet room in the hotel... but it worked for a quick snapshot.) There was a good turnout of participants for this year, and I was glad to do the awards for several people. It was nice to see that more people are getting interested in riding competitively. Fun stuff!
For more pictures and info. on the conference, visit: