On Monday I went out to my parents and practiced cutting our sheep. Yes, that's right - our sheep! The little flock of Soays that we have are proving to be very useful as cutting critters. They're lightning fast and very long lasting little buggars. They definitely give a horse a good workout.
Craig and I hauled a load of yearling ewes and rams out to my parents place over the weekend, and on Presidents day myself, my mother, and some friends put them to good use in the arena.
A photo that my dad took of Nettie and I cutting a little blonde ram. (It's rather humorous to strategically color-coordinate the sheep with your horse... but it wasn't planned that way - just kind-of happened.) |
This was a good break for Nettie to do something else. We've been doing monotonous drill work on slow circles to get better at our western pleasure riding, so this was like a nice mini-vacation to pep things back up again.