slightly graphic photos in this post...
Imposter ewe was up to her old tricks again. (She does have a "real" registered name, I just generally can't remember it. So Imposter has to do.) This is the second lamb that she has tried to steal this season. The first time happened last month, when I had to take a newborn baby lamb out of the pasture and pen it up with the mother - who wanted to take care of it just as much as the Imposter did.
Well this time it backfired on her! Fooey on Imposter's plans.
I watched Imposter saunter over to the pasture corner where Skylonda Priscilla just had her newborn little chocolate ram lamb. Priscilla was intent on taking care of her new little lambie, but Imposter had her eye on him. She wanted him - so she muscled her way over into her space to take him away from her... |
But low and behold, just as Imposter ewe was attempting to confuse Priscilla's little ram lamb into believing he belonged to her - Imposter got a great surprise! Something that was sure to divert her attention away from thievery... |
Her own little lamb was soon the center stage, and she promptly forgot all about stealing Priscilla's little lambie away. Both ewes drifted to different corners of the pasture and became content on taking care of their own little lambies. The Imposter ewe is now quite content, and her thieving days are over - until next year.... |