This weekend (the 10th), I attended the Tri-Cities Fall Classic Live in Richland, Wa. It's a fun little model horse show that brings hobbyists together to showcase their collections of models and compete against one another in a friendly manner. I took several of my various artist resins to show, and was very proud of the placings of my Teke models. Out of all the myriad of different breeds that I have in my collection, nothing gives me more pleasure and pride than to see the Tekes do a great job. "Idoleyz" above won 1st place in his spooky themed Halloween arena trail class.

"Gara Yylan" winning 1st in his native costume class. I didn't get a chance to get a picture of him on the show table, but I got one on the display table before I untacked him.

"Sabellah" winning second place in her light breed halter class.

"Gara" on the Championship judge off table. This was something that I was very proud of. A lot of collectors don't necessarily paint the models that they own themselves - (they can just buy them from someone else who has the talent to give them good paint jobs.) I did the resculpting and paintwork on Gara, and he earned a place on the judge off table next to Minkiewicz, Fraley, and Hutton models - the "creme de' la creme" of the hobby world. He won a second place in his workmanship class.

A full view of the championship table with all of the lovely painted models. What a fun show! =:)
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