Our Soay herdsire Grande Ronde Arne, in fall 2010. I just turned him in with the ewes and he is starting to grow his breeding mane out. It will eventually reach down to his knees, like it did last year. Love those thick long manes!

Arne's a good looking fellow with his full curl and deep ruddish mouflon colors. =:)

Arne's son - Mayfields Jumpin Jehosephat. Jumpin Joe will have some great horns when he gets older. Even wider set than his father! He'll make a really awesome herdsire for someone's starter flock.

Jumpin Joe is going to be a handsome guy! I can't wait to see how he looks when he's fully matured. I think that he'll make a spectacular ram.

Mayfields Routan, another son of Arne. Rootie is a dark mahogany mouflon Soay ram with wide horns as well. This guy would be another one that would make a great herdsire for a flock. He's a pretty dark color too...

Rootie and his buddy Mayfields Loompah. You can see how much wider Rootie's horns are compared to Loompah's. They are the same age from our lamb crop this year.
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