On Saturday the 3rd, we went for another trail ride again. This time it was with my parents and two of their friends from Ukiah, Jeff and MaryAnn. (They are the same people who owned the ranch where my mom's clinic was held a few months earlier.)

It was a beautiful day, and we rode along along the trail for roughly 10 - 12 miles.

A picture of Mary Ann and her Fjord x TB mare. Jeff is behind her on his Percheron x TB mare.

The pretty purple flowers were out again!

My mom was taking pictures, on Diamond.

She managed to get some good pictures of all of us at a lookout point. (I think that her camera picks up colors better than mine does.) I had my own camera out and was taking a picture of Dad, Jeff, and MaryAnn.

A picture my mom took of both of us.

Lots of pretty wild flowers along the trail!

I got to try out Craig's "new" old saddle on the trail ride Saturday. He wasn't feeling all too well that morning when we went, so he opted not to go. It turned out as being a somewhat long trail ride anyway, so I don't think that he minded missing it too much. (He's more of a one or two hour type of trail rider, and the all day trails are a bit too long).
We purchased this saddle online and it turned out as being a GREAT deal! It's an old Severe made by my grandfather and my uncle, both of which are deceased now. (So it has sentimental value - as well as collectibility value.) The tree was custom made and named after the fellow who order it, a.k.a. "the Bernard". The tree is extremely sound for it's age, and my dad re-wrapped the horn and put new stirrups on it - and it's ready to go!
I thought that it was a very comfortable saddle with the padded seat and it seemed to fit Tommy pretty good as well, which was surprising. I wasn't sure how close it would be to my own saddle, but it turned out pretty darned close. Nettie has just as high of withers as Tommy does, and the gullet clearance was great - so this saddle should work out very well for Craig when he rides her.
Now he won't be borrowing my saddle for parades and trails when we go, because he'll have his own. And I think that he'll totally love it! =:)
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