If you remember in my April 2011 post, I wasn't quite finished with this gold blasted beastie just yet. I wasn't completely happy with his appearance, and there were still a bunch of areas on him that needed more work. The deadline for the gallery created a time constraint, so I hurried and threw him together the best that I could to get him done in time. (For anyone who has been around me in the studio.... I work terribly slowly. I tend to fiddle around with projects to the point of madness for years on end, instead of months like most normal people do....)
So after the Gold-Winger got back home from the gallery, I stuffed him into the studio closet in a box. Hidden away from the world, and from my eyes. Which was a good thing. If you're frustrated with something that you're working on, sometimes not looking at it for awhile can bring a whole new point of view to areas when you pull it out and see it once again. And that is exactly what happened. I unboxed him and noticed immediately some new areas with problems that needed changing. It was a total "Eee Gads!" moment that blew my mind.
Another thing that blew my mind was when I picked up the flying wing-ding after the exhibition, I got some interesting feedback. I chose to take them as compliments later on, but it was definitely a double-edged sword to my ego. I was slightly depressed for awhile, hence the storing away of the model so I didn't have to look at it.
The gallery staff ladies had no idea how I built him. They liked him very much, but they weren't aware that there was a hardening clay out on the market that had a solidifying effect. They had only seen the soft waxes and gummy craft clay used to build bronzes. So after I explained to them that he was made of Gapoxio over a chopped plastic armature, they were impressed. (So much so, that they asked me to teach a class...but I'm definitely not teaching material, so I respectfully declined.) Anyway....
When I dropped him off to enter him in the gallery, they were under the impression that I had purchased a model out of a store, painted it gold, and then glued a pair of wings onto it for the contest. I was horrified. I wondered if the judge had thought the same way!
The last thing that I want people to think is that I'm some sort of half-assed poser artist that throws together cheap store bought materials for a nice art gallery contest. But......the more that I thought about their comments, I realized that if they thought it was good enough to be in a store then maybe it appears to be somewhat professional looking. So I perked up and changed my tune a little bit. It's still a teeter-totter in my mental state about this model, but I've decided to accept their feedback in a beneficial way.
So alas, with his new hack-n-slash job currently underway, the Gold-Winger will once again be resurrected back into a "bigger and better" full glory sometime during this summer. He'll be packing a more interesting finish.....that much I am sure of. =:)
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