youngest member of our herd is starting her career under saddle now. =:) My little cupcake is all grown up.
I had planned on starting Smidgen last fall/spring, but got busy working with other horses - so this year I was going to make sure that I made some time for her. She's a really wonderful little filly, and I think that she will make a fine riding mare with time. I don't quite know what she wants to be yet.... but we'll figure it out as we go. She will definitely have a career in endurance to test her "structural sound-ness", but we'll also look into a career for her in the show ring as well.
Smidgen seems to have a really awesome little western pleasure shuffle for a trot, so I'm *assuming* she will make a nice western pleasure horse - but we'll see. She might have something else in mind, I don't know.... only time will tell what she wants to be.
She's a happy little trooper to start her new job. |
Smidgen has more facial chrome than her older brother does, (Octopelle). She also has a tiny little adorable flank spot and a partial blue eye. |
Seems like just yesterday that I watched her being born... How time flies! |
She was such a cute little squirt! |
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