We're back from the Grizzly ride this weekend. The horses did wonderfully! It was great riding on both days. The weather was nice and sunny, and I was very happy with how things went.
Ox standing for the BC completion exam on Saturday with Dr. Terry. I managed to top ten both days, so we tried for the BC. (Of course I never can manage to get it, but it's fun to try anyway...) Octopelle did really well and was very strong on the first 22 mile loop. He was still on a tight rein when we came back into camp with energy to spare, so the second 10 mile loop went like a breeze. I was happy with his level of conditioning and fitness. |
Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera at home this weekend, so there are only two pictures that Craig got with his cellphone. The one above is of me and Ox heading back to the trailer.
Nettie did really well on the second day, Easter Sunday. We came in 7th. This was a "redemption" ride for her coming back this year. Last year we were plagued by some hind leg soft tissue (muscle) problems, but this year she's come back like a little yellow ball of fire. She rocketed down the trail like a fire breathing dragon for most of the first loop, but I was very conservative on the second loop and held her back at a much slower pace. I wanted to be careful, because this was a long first ride of the season and I didn't want to over-do it with her. She handled it very well and had some energy to spare at the end of the ride. The map read this one as a 32 mile LD ride, but most people I talked to had GPS's that read it as a 35 mile ride - mine included. It was a long first ride for horses just getting back into the game. But all went well, so it was a fun happy weekend. |
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