Sunday, October 30, 2016


One of my projects this year was to refurbish a few pieces of furniture for my parents new home.  They have waited a long time for a new house, so I thought that it would be a nice thing to do a few pieces for their new place.  I started with this kitchen table and chairs shown below, but I'm planning on doing a dresser for them as well.

This table was pretty beat up when we purchased it second hand.  Lots of scuff marks, scratches, and deep gouges on it, but I was fairly certain it would clean up nicely when it was all done.  The wood underneath had a nice grain, and it came with a leaf for the center too.
A little kid had given it some original crayon "artwork" underneath.... 

And a bit of pencil "art" too.  I ended up refinishing the whole underside so you'd never know it had been there.  

The legs were really scratched and dinged badly, but they sanded down and turned out good when they were finished.

A sanded one on the left and a finished one on the right.
I found these nice caster dining chairs at a local yard sale for $1 apiece.  I purchased six of them altogether, (so there are enough extras for another future project).  The green ones on the left are how they looked beforehand, and the brown ones are how they looked after I refinished and re-upholstered them for my parents.
The finished setup.

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