This weekend my parents held a cutting clinic which I attended with my two sporthorse colts. My mom and dad have a nice outdoor arena with cattle holding pens and also a mechanical string cow in another small arena to practice on. My mom trains cutting horses and starts colts for people for a living. She has won numerous awards in the Blue Mountain cutting club and also the Foundation Quarter Horse registry.
I've taken some of these photos on day one of the clinic - today. Jean Barboulitas of Hermiston is one of our instructors too, and she is very good at coaching. My mother helps as well and each student gets some time to work on problem areas and stuff that they are having trouble with. Octopelle had never seen a cow up close, let alone worked one - so it was a very good experience for him. He was a bit apprehensive of what they were at first, but soon gained confidence and realized that he had a job to do. We practiced keeping up with the mechanical string cow at first, and then moved onto trailing a single cow around the outer edge of the arena. Once he got used to that, we moved on to working out of the herd. It was a lot of fun, and great for him to experience!
To all of the Akhal Teke folks out there, don't be afraid to try new things with your horses. You never know how well they might do in other areas of sport. As the old saying goes: nothing ventured, nothing gained...
Jean Barboulitas on Shady.
Left to right: Ann Burnside on Powerball (arab filly), me on Octopelle, Don from Hermiston on Brownie, and Dr. Fred Robinson on Barbie (Bar B).

Upper photo: Splitting a pair from the herd and pushing them out. Bottom photo: working a single steer without the herd. The later one isn't the greatest photo, Octopelle was a little late and hadn't made his turn yet. But we got to it, eventually.

Heading to the fence. Trying to keep the steer from getting back into the herd.

Splitting one off and keeping it out there. He got the hang of it by the end of the day.

This is a good photo of my dad on Ace, a young three year old gelding that my parents have raised. This colt has a lot of natural ability when it comes to working cows. And that gorgeous strawberry roan color...

Don from Hermiston working a steer. Brownie is a very nice horse too, lots of natural ability for working cattle.

Rob Burnside and Scotch, a horse that my mother trained. Scotch has won numerous awards and buckles in the past. Rob and Ann bought her a year ago and Rob has began showing her in the cutting club. She turned so hard and fast that Rob lost his hat and snuff box out of his shirt pocket!

Cathy Gettner and her paint horse Sissy. Cathy did very well, and her horse had a lot of energy to spare by the end of the day.

Ann Burnside and Powerball. Ann raises arabians and has began showing in the cutting club. Her horse does very well for her breed.

Dr. Fred Robinson and Barbie (Bar B). She is very nice, and has a lot of natural talent. Dr. Fred is our local veterinarian.
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