The first endurance race of the season kicked off yesterday, on March 27th. What a great day it was! Nice and sunny with just a hint of wind. Not too bad at all... =:)
I'm so very happy to see this ride come back. Last year a few problems occured with the state park where the ride was originally held, so it was cancelled. This year the ride was moved onto some private land near Washtucna that had breathtaking views of the mountain ranges. The land owner was a really great fellow, and the hospitality was wonderful. Washtucna is a remote place and most of the local folks seemed happy to invite new people to explore their area.

A view from our trailer of one of the rows at camp. There was another row of trailers to the right. It was a very good turnout for the first ride of the northwestern endurance season.

Warming up for the LD 25. Since Octopelle is only four, we are prohibited by AERC rules to compete in any longer races yet - (but that will change by the time Renegade rolls around). Ox did exceptionally well for his first endurance race ever. Good recoveries, great gut sounds, good forward impulsion, and most importantly - he learned to be patient when people passed us and when we had to pass them out on the trail. Since this was a barefoot friendly ride, we went shoeless too! (I want to avoid using them until absolutely neccessary.) Overall, I was proud as punch of my young fellow!

Getting ready for the start of our ride.

Heading out!

This is a picture that my husband took of Kerri-Jo Stewart (in the middle, blue coat). I was
really disappointed that he didn't take a better one - argh!!! Kerri-Jo drove down from Canada to ride in the LD 25, and she was on one of her purebred teke mares.

A picture that I got of Cathy Leddy and Wendy Connell heading out for their 50. Cathy was riding her teke sporthorse gelding Galen, and Wendy was on Ali (Alpowa) her nez perce mare.

I guess that the crummy photo that Craig took of Kerri-Jo was made up for with this totally awesome one that he snapped of Monica and Taz! Monica Bretherton rode Wendy's teke sporthorse gelding Taz on the trail ride. He is by Astrachan, (Cathy's stallion) and out of a quarter horse mare. Monica said that he did really well for her and she enjoyed the trail ride a lot. Very cool!
Update! More photos and information from other folks that attended the ride can be found here:
We missed you today at camp - I kept looking for you, but finally got to chat with Kerri-jo a bit. Glad you guys had a good ride. Wendy and I completed our 50s and are looking forward to the next one, probably Mt. Adams.
Nice post! Don't be too hard on your husband for shots that he missed - he was probably more focused on you and Octopelle than acting as the Teke press agent... though you are right, its a nice picture of Taz. Happy to see he filled in for me -- I was too busy minding Taz while Wendy and Cathy left (or, from his perspective, Allie and Galen abandoned him forever) to snap more than one distant telephoto shot.
ReplyDeleteMonica is way nicer to look at in a photo! Nice shots!! I have to figure out who everyone is still!! I really like Octopelle. Next time I want to meet everyone and take photos of the horses!!!