Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A gift for a friend.

I sculpted this foal medallion, (in what seems like eons ago), in 2006.  I cast around 25 of these little guys in polyurethane resin as live show donations.  I used to get several requests from show holders to donate stuff for their live shows, but I just didn't have time to paint a bunch of mini models to oblige their requests.  So, to come up with a solution I sculpted this little medallion so that I'd have a blank copy to send to show holders when they contacted me.  It worked out great!

I thought that I'd distributed all of these medallions, but I found two of them hidden in the bottom of a box that I had put away.  A friend of mine is having some health issues, so I painted one of them to send to her in hopes of cheering her up and maybe lifting her spirit a bit.  =:)

I gave this chestnut fellow a gloss finish and put a magnet on the back of him, so he's a perfect little fridge ornament.

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